woman holding hair

People wonder can bed bugs get in your hair? Bed bugs do not like living in your hair and they are not equipped to live in your hair like lice do. Bed bugs prefer to crawl on you when you are sleeping, and they will bite you to suck the blood they need to live. Once they are done feeding, they go back into hiding.

They do not like hiding in people’s hair so you do not have to worry about bed bugs in your hair. Bed bugs could crawl into your hair but they will not stay there. You will need to worry if you have bed bugs in your home or apartment.

We give you some sound advice on what to do if you find out you have bed bugs. Let’s talk about a bug that does live in your hair and we will compare it to bed bugs.

Differences Between Bed Bugs and Lice

While both bed bugs and lice are parasites that can cause itching, there are key differences you should be aware of.

Bed bugs typically live in the crevices of mattresses, furniture, and luggage, rather than in hair. Lice, on the other hand, thrive on the scalp and lay their eggs (nits) close to the roots of hair strands.

Bed bugs tend to feed on human blood during the night. They might wander onto your scalp but usually don’t stay or live there for long.

This is due to their bodies not being adapted to clinging to hair follicles, causing them to get washed out during showers.

When it comes to lice, they are more persistent in staying on the scalp, causing significant itching that can lead to further skin issues and infection if not treated properly.

Lice can be transmitted relatively easily between people or through direct contact with infested clothing or personal items containing lice. Bed bugs usually hitchhike on purses, luggage, and clothing.

If you suspect a lice infestation, it is generally advised to consult a medical professional for guidance on treatment.

Infestation and Detection

I. Recognizing Bed Bug Bites

Bed bug bites can be mistaken for other insect bites, so it’s crucial to recognize their symptoms. Their bites often appear as small red welts, usually in a zigzag pattern or clusters. The bitten areas might itch, swell, or become inflamed. Bed bugs usually bite exposed skin, so check your arms, neck, and legs.

II. Checking Your Home for Bed Bugs

The first thing I would do if I found any bites on my body in the morning or if any family members had bites, I would inspect the bed.

Check your mattress seams, box springs, and other hiding places such as behind headboards or in furniture crevices. You are looking for live bed bugs or pepper left on the mattress which is bed bug poop.

Bed bugs tend to hide in dark, tight spaces. You may also find them near the edges of carpets, along walls, or in any clutter around your bed.

When inspecting, look for the following signs:

  • Live bed bugs: Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown, flat, and about the size of an apple seed.
  • Exoskeletons: These are shed skins from the bugs as they grow.
  • Fecal spots: Small, dark spots that the bugs leave behind from their droppings.
  • Eggs or egg casings: These are tiny, white, and oval-shaped.

If you are able to find a bed bug or see any signs above then you need to act quickly because bed bugs multiply rapidly.

You can try home remedies, but it’s often best to consult a professional exterminator to effectively and safely deal with the infestation.

Bed Bugs and Hair Loss

I. Physical Effects of Bed Bug Bites

While bed bugs are not adapted to cling to hair follicles and may only infrequently migrate to your scalp, their bites can still lead to some physical discomfort.

If you experience an allergic reaction to the bed bug bites on your scalp or other parts of your body, it can result in rashes and potentially hair loss.

To minimize these effects, you should:

  • Avoid scratching the bite area as much as possible
  • Apply over-the-counter creams or ointments to alleviate itching and inflammation
  • Consult a healthcare provider for more serious reactions or persistent rashes

II. Psychological Effects of Bed Bug Infestations

Bed bugs in your home will definitely affect you mentally, just thinking about a bug crawling on you at night and sucking your blood is gross.

Having bed bugs in your home can lead to anxiety, stress, and even depression in some cases. Stress can contribute to hair loss due to stress-related factors.

To cope with the psychological effects of bed bug infestations, you can:

  • Seek professional help from a mental health care provider to manage anxiety and stress
  • Implement stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or regular physical activity
  • Make sure to thoroughly address the bed bug infestation by contacting a professional exterminator

In conclusion, bed bugs can indirectly contribute to hair loss through their bite-related physical symptoms and the psychological stress of dealing with an infestation.

Prevention and Control

Protecting Your Home

To prevent bed bugs from infesting your hair, it’s essential to focus on protecting your home. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Regularly vacuum and clean your home, including your mattress, curtains, and carpets, to eliminate potential hiding spots for bed bugs.
  • When traveling, inspect hotel rooms for signs of bed bug infestations, such as small brown spots on bedding or furniture. Keep your luggage on non-upholstered surfaces to minimize the risk of bringing bed bugs home.
  • Seal cracks and crevices, especially in and around your bedroom, to reduce potential entry points for bed bugs.

We just went on a soccer trip for my son, and we had booked a hotel since the tournament was far away. I always inspect the rooms and my wife was in the bathroom when she noticed a bug.

I went into the bathroom to see what it was and what do you know? It was a bed bug. We picked up our bags and left immediately to go to a different hotel.

Proper Treatment of Infested Items

If you suspect that you have bed bugs in your home, follow these steps to treat infested items and keep infestations from spreading:

  • Wash your bedding, clothes, and personal items in hot water (at least 122°F or 50°C) and then dry them on the highest heat setting to kill bed bugs and their eggs.
  • If bed bugs are found in wigs or hairpieces that are in the bedroom. Wash the hairpiece in a solution of water and ammonia, then rinse with clean water and let it dry.
  • Use a stiff brush to remove bed bugs and their eggs from your mattress, then vacuum thoroughly.
  • If you have a severe infestation, contact a professional pest control service to have your home treated with the appropriate insecticides to eliminate the infestation.

Remember, prevention is key in keeping your hair and home bed bug-free. By practicing regular cleaning, staying vigilant during travels, and treating infestations as soon as they are detected, you are taking important steps to keep bed bugs out of your life.


In summary, bed bugs are not likely to live in your hair. They are not well-adapted to clinging to hair follicles and would likely get washed out while you shower or bathe.

Instead, these pests prefer to hide in clothing, luggage, furniture, or bed linens and can travel in your belongings as you move between spaces.

To decrease your chances of hosting bed bugs, take preventive measures such as:

  • Regularly washing and drying your bed linens and clothes on high heat
  • Vacuuming your living spaces, especially around beds and furniture
  • Inspecting your luggage and belongings after traveling, especially when staying in hotels

If you do suspect bed bugs have invaded your living space, seek professional help to address the issue.

By staying informed and taking the necessary precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of encountering bed bugs in your home.

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